Dreams come in many types. The majority of them are like fleeting mental and emotional regurgitations from experiences we have while awake. As we sleep our minds bring them up and chew on them for a while before swallowing them back down again. That many dreams are influenced by bodily functions and external factors is certain. Yet some dreams are more vivid and leave us with a notion that they are important. The dreamer usually knows when a dream is important. Additionally, since the subconscious mind is impartial the dreams we sometimes have can inform us of our conscience especially when we are suppressing it. It’s these kinds of “important” or “informing” dreams that I will write about in this blog.
If you are interested in a Catholic book on dreams here is one with an imprimatur: The Secret of Dreams by Pedro Meseguer, S.J. It is out of print but I was able to find a copy on Ebay. It is scholarly and examines psychoanalysis too heavily in my opinion but you can find a few suggestions in it for the practical application of dreams as an aid to informing the conscience. The author recommends such interpretation be done with the help of a suitable spiritual advisor.