Q. The mustard seed is not he smallest of all seeds nor is it the smallest of the seeds in Palestine. Similarly, the mustard bush is not he largest of bushes nor is it the largest of bushes in Palestine. So why would Jesus use these phrases, “smallest of seeds” and “largest of trees?”
A. It’s an illustration of potency. For a small thing to become large it must have great potential. Jesus is using the mustard seed, which is a well known part of the culture, to illustrate a facet of the Church. The Church begins small and potent, and grows large and actively shelters. It is interesting to note in this parable that it is not the fruit of this bush or its greens that proves its value, as in other parables or as in the Genesis creation accounts, but rather the sheer size of the bush.
World without end
Q. At the end of the Glory be we say “world without end,” how does this fit knowing that the world will pass away (Matthew 24:35)?
A. The world in this case is not the Earth or even the heavens but the Kingdom of God, Christ’s everlasting and all encompassing dominion. It is Christ’s authority, power and glory which have no boundary. Not even time can contain it since He created all things and came before or outside all things, including time.
Rose again
Q. In the creed, why do we say Jesus rose again when he died once for all and was resurrected once for all?
A. Death is poetically referred to as a sleep. From death Jesus rose as if from sleep, rising as one does every day of one’s life, therefore He rose again. One might also say He rose to life since one awakens to life each day that one is given. I wrote about the sleep of death once in the Catholic Answers forums and some misunderstood me to say that Jesus didn’t really die. No. This is NOT what I am saying and it is not what scripture or the Church teaches. Christ died – really and truly died – and Christ rose from the dead – really and truly resurrected. It is not wrong to refer to death as a sleep, Jesus did as much Himself (Luke 8:52-56 Mark 5:38-43 John 11:11-14). Scripture calls death a sleep more than forty times (Psalm 13:4).
Death as Sleep:
Deuteronomy 31:16
1 Kings 2:10
1 Kings 11:43
1 Kings 11:21
1 Kings 14:20
1 Kings 14:31
1 Kings 15:8
1 Kings 15:24
1 Kings 16:6
1 Kings 16:28
1 Kings 22:40
2 Kings 8:24
2 Kings 10:35
2 Kings 13:9
2 Kings 13:13
2 Kings 14:16
2 Kings 14:22
2 Kings 14:29
2 Kings 15:7
2 Kings 15:22
2 Kings 15:38
2 Kings 16:20
2 Kings 20:21
2 Kings 21:18
Job 7:21
Job 14:12
Psalm 13:4
Luke 8:52-56
Mark 5:38-43
John 11:11-14
Acts 7:59-60
Acts 13:36
1 Corinthians 15:6
1 Corinthians 15:18
1 Corinthians 15:20
2 Chronicles 9:31
2 Chronicles 12:16
2 Chronicles 14:1
2 Chronicles 16:13
2 Chronicles 21:1
2 Chronicles 26:2
2 Chronicles 26:23
2 Chronicles 27:9
2 Chronicles 28:27
2 Chronicles 32:33
2 Peter 3:4
Image of Mustard Tree Borrowed form another blog
Great teaching on the mustard seed. Thanks for visiting my blog! Most of the pics I use in my blogs are in the public domain. That one of the mustard tree / bush is one of my favorites. It always makes me want to take a walk in the cool air of a spring morning. Blessings to you and may you continue to declare truth as you’ve done in this post!