Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

Why does God let bad things happen? “God allowed it to happen so that good might come of it.” I have heard this rationalization many times and as one who has experienced the deep injustice of a malicious act – my mother was murdered nearly forty years ago – I feel I have a claim … Read more

Ram in the Thicket – Genesis 22:13

Genesis 22, also known as the Testing of Abraham, gives us great foreshadowing of Jesus in the obedient son Isaac. Although there is a point where Abraham’s “only son” is spared and God the Father’s only begotten Son is not, the foreshadowing of Jesus continues by shifting to the ram caught in the thicket. The … Read more

Communion Peek-a-boo


This whole interaction between God and Man, throughout all of scripture, with God walking with Adam in the garden in Eden, with God speaking to Moses through a burning bush, with God’s power present in to the Israelites in a pillar of fire and smoke, with God speaking like a whisper in the wind to … Read more

Prayer Life Journey

Dream of the Two Columns Painting

There is a decent parallel between Saint John Boso’s goodnight talk on the Two Pillars and Saint Therese of Avila’s Interior Mansions, which reinforces the point of view that the story is a parable.  In this case, the moral of the story would be to anchor one’s spiritual life to the Eucharist and Mary.  What … Read more

Jesus vs. Superman

Jesus vs Superman

I have often thought, however unintentional and coincidental, that the image of the super hero caught between daily and heroic garb, such as Klark Kent revealing Superman, has striking similarities to the image of Jesus exposing His Sacred Heart. In both images we see the true passion of the man beneath a veiled exterior. Both … Read more

God Is Love – Count on it

Saint John tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8). While he tells us this so that we are enabled to discern who belongs to God, we can also learn something of the nature of God. I’m going to do something that is often frowned upon in scripture interpretation; I’m going to apply a … Read more

Immaculate Conception of Mary as Prevenient Grace

Prevenient Grace, which term the priest spoke today during the prayer over the offerings, is the same as Preventing Grace, and in this instance, relates to the singular grace that Mary received in being conceived without original sin. Prevenient or Preventing Grace is that grace which God gives without the consent or cooperation of man … Read more

Most Holy Eucharist

It has been called (( CCC 1332-1338 )), Bread of Angels, Bread from Heaven, The Breaking of Bread, The Lord’s Supper, Wedding Feast of the Lamb, Memorial, Sacrifice of Praise, Spiritual Sacrifice, Pure- Holy- Perfect- and Acceptable Sacrifice, Holy Mass, Holy Eucharist, Holy and Divine Liturgy, Holy Communion, True Presence, Most Blessed Sacrament, Sacrament of … Read more

Parable of the Two Sons

The degree to which we receive Christ, His mission, His word, His covenant, His peace and His command is important since our commitment to Him will determine our actions. That is, what we say should be the same as what we do. There are four ways to respond to Christ. Two of them are mentioned … Read more

Works of Mercy Body and Soul

New Jerusalem

The corporal works of mercy are expressed in the gospels in the section titled Judgment of the Nations (Matthew 25:31-36). Jesus explained the final judgment in what is often referred to as a parable but which is closer to a metaphor. The Spiritual works of mercy are like the Corporal works but they attend to … Read more

Faith Phrases Q and A

Mustard seed Q. The mustard seed is not he smallest of all seeds nor is it the smallest of the seeds in Palestine. Similarly, the mustard bush is not he largest of bushes nor is it the largest of bushes in Palestine. So why would Jesus use these phrases, “smallest of seeds” and “largest of … Read more

Acting in Faith – a Lenten Practice

Today’s Gospel reading from Mark 2:1-12 is the breakthrough story of the paralytic, whose friends, seeing that the immense popularity of Jesus prevents access to Him, open up the roof of the house where Jesus is staying and lower the child to Him. Upon seeing this extraordinary act Jesus is moved to heal the paralytic. … Read more

Indiana Jones and a Catholic’s Perspective

Indiana Jones Hat and Bullwhip

Indy movies are about fun. They are not intended to catechize but a good catechist will make use of any pop culture experience to explain the faith. Jesus did this with parables, using archetypes of people from various vocations; vineyard owners and workers, Samaritans and priests, fathers and children, women and men, etc. Saints have … Read more

A Heart for Christ

Image of Christ Laid in the tomb

As a writer, I enjoy a good parallel in sentence structure and between two subjects in a paragraph, and when used as a motif throughout a work. Sometimes I am struck by a parallel I would not have considered, such as the one that the Franciscans draw in their short Way of the Cross on … Read more

Proclaiming the Kingdom

Elephant optical illusion inverted

The Luminous Mysteries each have a distinct way of pointing to Christ as the Messiah. Declaration at Jesus’ baptism, transformation at the Cana wedding feast, proclamation at all of Jesus’ discourses, transfiguration on the mount and transubstantiation at the institution of the Eucharist, each reveal, in varying ways, that Jesus is the Christ and the … Read more

Interview: Tim Bartel – Catholic Writer’s Guild

Dream of the Great Ship - by Tim Bartel

“Indeed, ‘interpretation’ can apply whether the story is a dream from God or a parable of Bosco’s invention… He enjoyed creating mystery, which kept people involved and aided them to contemplate holy things, conjecturing what they mean and how best to live out their morals, and simply filled them with wonder. “ The following is … Read more

Why the Grail is Holy

Grail Maiden - Arthur Rackham 1917

One of the major criticisms offered by modern scholars examining early grail literature is that the grail was not originally titled as the Holy Grail and so therefore is properly understood simply as a cup, and just as a cup can be filled with anything so too the meaning of the Holy Grail can be … Read more


On Jan 14th Pope Benedict XVI authorized the Congrgation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate decrees for sainthood and beatification. Among the pending beatified is – Venerable Servant of God John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla), Polish Supreme Pontiff (1920-2005). What is notable about the company John Paul II is joined by is that his … Read more

Catholic Celiac Conundrum

Low Gluten Catholic Hosts for gluten intolerant communicants

The present cannon law permits the reception of Holy Communion under both species or by bread species alone and also the wine species alone where necessary… The main concern for most Catholic Celiacs receiving the wine species only is to be sure to receive from a cup that has not been commingled with the bread species, either directly by the priest through intentional rite of commingling (Commixtion), intinction (not in ordinary practice today), or indirectly by the laity who receiving both species unintentionally transfer crumbs or residue.[…]

Beauty in Art

La Gioconda AKA Mona Lisa, da Vinci 1503-1506, Cropped to bust, bevel indicates portion shown on The da Vinci Code book cover

The reason the masters works endure is because the subject satisfied deep desires of the soul… “Beauty, whether that of the natural universe or that expressed in art,… can become a path towards the transcendent, towards the ultimate Mystery, towards God.”[…]

Faith a Chair and a Leap

Leap of Faith from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Modernists say that faith is a foolish blind leap but theologians say that faith is a contemplated and certain leap. We both agree that faith is a leap but we disagree that faith is blind and foolish. Consider a man sitting in a chair. He is certain that the chair is[…]

The Ultimate Cup of Kindness

In the famous song Auld Lang Syne, which is about the good old days, the first line asks the question, “Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?” But the question is really would that be proper to forget those we’ve met long ago? And the song answers that question by rousing us … Read more

The Gift of Christmas


Although the gift was now rewrapped and it was again hidden from sight, it was never far from his mind what he had done. Not only had he robbed himself of the joy of opening this gift on Christmas but he had robbed his family of the joy of seeing him open it too… How he wished that he could turn back time and get a second chance at saving this surprise.[…]

The Long Run

Ezra Kneels in Prayer - By Gustave Dore

…it’s the few yard gains hard fought for that have won many a game. And our spiritual enemies too know that they have conquered souls and brought them to ruin by wearing down the faithful. That’s why it’s extremely important to stay vigilant and never to loose heart for the fight.[…]

A Constant Miracle

The Widow's Two Mites: Gustave Dore Aprx. 1866-70

We seldom think about miracles where appearances remain constant such as the sun standing still for Joshua and the Israelites (Josh 10:12-14) or a bush burning but is not consumed by the fire (Ex 3:1-3)… The Eucharist is a constant miracle in several ways…

Five Good Reasons Why Every Catholic Should Go Green

Solar Panels on top of Paul VI Audience Hall

The theory of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming has been accused of being a much exploited neo-pagan myth. The problem is that the myth issue eclipses our Christian duty as stewards of the Earth. In my humble opinion, just because there is evidence to justify flushing global warming down the drain doesn’t mean we should let stewardship drown with it. The fact that the Vatican recently appears to be truly concerned about global warming should not detract from the fact that it has always preached stewardship.[…]

The Voice of Mary

The Marriage at Cana by David Gerard

One interesting observation concerning the miracle at the wedding feast at Cana (John 2:1-11) is the change in Mary’s voice from passive to active. When she speaks to Jesus about the wine running out she does not ask a direct question. She does not ask for a miracle. Contrast Mary in this scene against those … Read more

The Rubrics Cube

Rubrics Cube

Rubrics ((What is a rubric? Rubrics are instructions and rules (laws really) that are inserted into the Breviary and Missal to guide bishops, priests or deacons in the Eucharistic liturgy, the administration of sacraments and sacramentals, and the preaching of the Word of God. Literally rubrica means red earth, specifically it is that red earth … Read more

Jonah and the Good Samaritan

What a fantastic and often underestimated gift the Lectionary is! Each day the Lectionary juxtaposes readings from Moses and the Prophets with the Gospels in order that we may hear Christ’s messianic mission pronounced clearly. Each time I read the daily readings I consider what purpose the Church had in mind and often I find … Read more

Transfiguration Cloud

The Transfiguration (top portion), Raffaello Sanzio 1516- 1520

So I think that this idea has merit… that the Apostles bore and raised the Church as Mary bore and raised Jesus. That brings up the question, when was the Church conceived rather than born or instituted (Jesus instituted the Church at His Ascension Mat 28:18-20)? It may be that the Church was announced at the Transfiguration, conceived at the Last Supper, labored for at the Crucifixion and born at the Resurrection. Indeed, as scripture says, this child was born quickly[…]

Limit of Evil

Memory and Identity - Rizzoli 2005

Yet I can’t help but consider that it is because goodness itself (God) entered history by becoming man, suffering, dying and rising, that evil has any limit at all. It seems to me that the greatest evil that can be done has indeed been done to God. It is precisely because of the perfect goodness of God that evil has its limit.[…]

From Cana to Senegal & from Baptism to Eucharist

1596-97 Vrouwekathedraal, Antwerp

Jesus first instructs the workers to fill jars with water. And here is where every Christian journey begins, with instruction and the waters of baptism. The baptismal waters are just a beginning because the water must be turned to wine before the head waiter approves. In a sense the head waiter is like God the Father who at His son’s baptism declares, “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased.” Similarly, the head waiter approves of the wine in an extraordinary way[…]

Two Standards – Part ONE

Paradise Lost - Gustave Dore

Moving deeper toward the dark center of this place I saw many, many hundreds of thousands of people with snakes burrowing through their bodies, moving in and out of their flesh like worms in viscous mud. The people there stood nearly catatonic, not dancing at all but still as if completely given over to the movements of the serpents. The people’s heads were turned upward and their mouths open as if dry from thirst. But no water was given them.[…]

The Father’s Workshop

Holy Family in the Workhop

At once I am aware that the workshop is Joseph’s but also metaphorically the workshop of the Father in heaven. We get there instantly, and the Child Jesus explains, “We build many things here, my father and I.” I am aware that this means also that He and His Devine Father made all things. I notice a stain on a length of wood and Jesus responds, “Yes, it is my blood.[…]

The Delighful Wound

Sr. Mary of St. Peter

But this wound is different than the ordinary kind. It is a sign of contradiction in every sense of the phrase. First, it is a contradiction in the way that the cross of the crucifix is visually a contradiction, having a horizontal line that intersects a vertical line. The moment that the phrase “delightful wound” crosses the mind it intersects the heart with the enigmatic question, “what (or who) is this?” Second[…]